2024-01-13 19:27:08

例如,你在一次关于数字营销或SEO策略的英文演讲中,可以以养站站群程序为例作为开场。比如:“Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever imagined how a group of seemingly unrelated websites could work together to boost the visibility and influence of one primary site? This is where the concept of 'Site Farming or Station Cultivation' comes into play...” 这样既引入了主题,又引起了听众的兴趣。

讲述一个关于使用站群策略成功提升网站排名和流量的真实案例,以此作为演讲开头,如:“Imagine this: A small business owner struggling with online presence decided to employ an innovative strategy known as station cluster programming. In a matter of months, his website skyrocketed to the top of search engine results...” 这种故事化的开头更具有吸引力和记忆点。

开场时,可以向听众提出问题,引发他们对养站站群程序的好奇心和参与感,例如:“How many of you have heard about using multiple websites to enhance your online visibility? Well, today we'll dive into the fascinating world of station groups and uncover the secrets behind their power in digital marketing...”


