2024-01-13 19:24:43


在自我介绍部分,可以说:“As an SEO expert, one of my unique strategies involves implementing and managing a network of websites known as a 'station group program'. This technique helps improve the search engine rankings for primary sites or targeted keywords, making it easier for potential clients to discover our services."


在动画中,可以用图表或数据来突出该策略带来的实际收益,如“Through our station group program, we've managed to increase our client's website traffic by 300% and improve their Google ranking from page 5 to page 1 in just six months.”


“With the ever-evolving nature of SEO algorithms, we constantly adapt our station group strategy to meet new challenges. For instance, we're currently exploring how to integrate AI-generated content into our satellite sites while maintaining high quality and relevance for users and search engines alike.”